Awakening Joy

About the Course - Community

The Awakening Joy community includes thousands of people worldwide who are making well-being and joy a priority in their lives. There are many ways to connect.

Practice Partners

Practice Partners Are Encouraged

  • Take the course with a friend or find a practice partner through the Awakening Joy course Commmunity
  • Practice Partners help to keep the themes and practices in awareness
  • Participants can do the exercises from the zoom recording sessions with their Practice Partners
  • Check-in may be as simple as 5 - 10 minutes by phone or email. Many opt to do a daily gratitude practice.

Helpful Document: "Finding and Working with a Practice Partner"

  • Guidelines are given for finding and working with a partner
  • Document is located in the "Getting Started" portion of the course.

Support Groups

Group Support Deepens the Experience

  • Good group chemistry guarantees you’ll awaken some joy!
  • Sign up to be part of a teacher trainee-led group or form your own group. A link to a list of trainee led groups is within the "Getting Started" section of the course.

Helpful Support Group Manual

  • A Facilitator's Manual for Support Groups was created by James, Jane Baraz and other experienced group leaders
  • It contains sample lesson plans and materials
  • The Manual located in the "Getting Started" portion of the course.

Discount for Individual Group Members

  • All joy group members should be registered individually for the course
  • A discount is available to all group members within the enrollment stream.


A vibrant place to find inspiring videos, articles and news from James Baraz and other renowned teachers in the Awakening Joy community.


Music CD (Various Artists)

Music CD "Awakening Joy: The Music")

Eve Decker and Various Artists