Awakening Joy

Teacher Training - Description


James Introduces the Teacher Training Program

Elements of the Awakening Joy Teacher Training Program

If you’ve already taken the course and think you might enjoy sharing it with others, consider applying to the teacher training course.The process is fulfilling, as you develop and hone your skills to share practices that will make a difference in people’s lives. Below is an outline of what will be covered in the course.

 1 - Lead a Small Practice Group through the Awakening Joy Material and Bring Out the Best in Them

One of the main principles of being a good leader is learning how to draw out the wisdom of the group participants. Some people are introverted, others are extroverted. Some have low self-esteem, others think they know it all. Through the practical experience of leading a small group through the 2025 Awakening Joy course material , we’ll explore how to instill confidence, humility and create a connected feeling of group support.

2 - Principles of Presenting Material Effectively

We’ll explore pedagogical elements regarding skillful presentation of the 10 Steps to Awaken Joy, including:

  • Creating a safe, supportive space that allows participants to get in touch with their own wisdom
  • How to lead guided meditations
  • Setting up engaging experiential exercises for each step and harvesting the information
  • Salient information: The basic principles within each step / theme of the Awakening Joy course and the most important points to communicate.

 3 - Teaching Role – Issues of Identification and Projection

There are common challenges when in a leadership role. We’ll explore these common experiences and how to work skillfully with them as our own practice.

  • Identification with the teacher role:
    Can be negative
     - “Who am I to be sharing this stuff? Am I good enough? Will they like me? What if they find out I’m not an expert?”
    Can be positive - “Wow, look at me, leading this group! I’m pretty good at this! They must really think I’m an expert! It feels really great to have everyone looking up to me!”

  • Projection from others can be challenging too:
    Negative - “Who do you think you are?” Feelings of jealousy, resentment or subtle/overt undermining can occur.
    Positive - “I think I’ve found my teacher! Wow, you’re amazing!”

 4 - Mentorship by James

Trainees will participate in regular 90-minute video calls conducted throughout the course every other week. You will meet with James and other trainees discussing the art of teaching and presenting the material, discussing the process of leading a group and presenting the course material and questions as they come up.

Regular video calls with accepted trainees will take place from 13:00 to 14:30 (1:00 PM to 2:30 PM) California time (GMT/UTC-8) every other Monday, starting January 20, 2025 (about a week before the Awakening Joy course starts) and ending June 16, 2025.

You can find the full Teacher Training Conference Call Schedule on the left side menu.

Time Conversion Tool - Convert any time and geographic indicator to your location.

 5 - Small Group Peer Community of Trainees

As part of the training you will be encouraged to participate in a small peer group as you go through the training with others. Through mutual support you can learn from each other. More information on Peer Group formation will be presented during the initial phase of the training in February.

 6 -Sharing the Training with a Practice Partner

You’ll be encouraged to share your experience with another person in the training. That way you can support each other, learn from each other and give each other feedback as to what is working or not working in your sharing of the materials. You will be able to find a Practice Partner either through Peer Group formation or through the conference calls with James.

 7 - Supportive Material

We will provide other material such as pictures, quotes, poems and other information to support you in giving engaging presentations.

 8 - Authorization to Teach Awakening Joy

If, in the opinion of Awakening Joy, it appears that you have not met our requirements and standards you will not be guaranteed certification. In order to be certified by James and Awakening Joy to share this material you must complete the following:

  • Demonstrate that you’ve successfully led a group through the Awakening Joy course and the materials. This is the practicum piece for the Teacher Training Program. (Detailed information on ways to form a group as a requirement for certification can be found below.)
  • Submit a final paper on your experience in leading your practice group, including what you’ve learned, the highlights and challenges you’ve had and how you intend to apply the training.

  • Along with your own evaluation of the teacher training, you will be asked to submit feedback from the group members at the end of the course. The group members' feedback survey will ask about their overall experience being in your group, what they’ve learned / benefited from, as well as the challenges they experienced being in the group. Group Members will be asked to evaluate you as a leader.

 9 - Cost of the Training

The fee for the training is $600. In addition to training support, as outlined above, this will entitle you to access all of the materials that Awakening Joy course participants can access. Your practice group will use these Awakening Joy course materials as you go through the course together. In other words, the $600 includes enrollment in 2 courses: the 2025 Awakening Joy course and the 2025 Awakening Joy Teacher Training course.


Information about the Groups You Will Practice Teaching

The best way to learn how to share the Awakening Joy principles and practices is first hand experience. In order to get this practical experience, as part of the training, you will be expected to lead a small group and go through the Awakening Joy material together with them.

Guidelines for Practice Groups

Ideally, your group would be formed and ready to begin when the Awakening Joy course starts on January 28, which is about a week after the Introductory Teacher Training conference call with James on January 20.  However if having your group ready to start when the Awakening Joy course starts is not possible, your group should be formed by March 1 (unless otherwise given permission by James).

There may be exceptions to groups being formed by March 1 on a case by case basis if, for example, you want to form a prison group, but cannot start teaching because of restrictions by the institution. Those not able to have a group by March 1 can lead their groups at a later time not in sync with the course participants. In this case, you are still welcome to attend all training and mentor calls to benefit from hearing other trainees' experience.

Group Size
The recommended size for each group is 8 members.

Number of Parctice Group Sessions
to Lead
The number of sessions with your small group should match the 10 themes of the Awakening Joy course. Ideally, there will be 2 weeks between each of your 10 sessions and you will meetin the off-weeks from James' Zoom events on each theme. (We recognize that schedules or outside forces may require shifts in this ideal.)

Duration of Practice Group Sessions
The recommended length of each practice group session is 1.5 to 2 hours.

What to Cover in the Small Group Sessions
The Joy Group Facilitator's Manual, found within the Teacher Training course, has multiple suggestions for the content of the Awakening Joy practice group sessions. James will also speak to the content of your sessions in his Teacher Training Conference calls.

Each Group Member Signs Up for Awakening Joy Course
Each member of every group must sign up to take the course and receive the materials online. We suggest your group members sign up for the group rate of $249. (This is a full $100 off the full fee of $349.) However, we don’t want finances to get in the way of participation. If someone who wants to be in your group has a budget consideration, they can check out the other financial options for the Awakening Joy course. If a person in your practice group cannot afford even the lowest posted, rate ($125), they can email and simply tell Gretchen what amount would work for them.

Three Possible Ways to Form a Group

  1. Form a Group with Friends
    The simplest and, perhaps, the most fun method is to invite friends, relatives and/or colleagues from your circle to go through the material together. You already have a bond of friendship and trust. Supporting each other in more well-being can deepen that connection. You will likely be more able to be just yourself and not have thoughts of needing to prove anything to anybody. You will also be more easily able to ask for and hear feedback as to what works and what doesn’t in you leading the group. The best way to develop your skills is getting honest, constructive feedback.

  2. Form a Group through an Organization You Know
    Many people have shared the material with a group they’re associated with. If you are a member of a church they might appreciate being part of your Awakening Joy group. This has been a common venue for many groups. Senior Centers or Retirement communities have also had leaders come in and share the material with great success.

    You might consider sharing the material with other groups that could benefit from and appreciate your generosity. As I mention in the Introduction to the paperback edition of Awakening Joy, a number of people have led groups for prison inmates with great success. If you choose to lead a group like that, the members will not have online access to the material and obviously won’t be able to sign up for the course, see the class recordings or receive the other online materials. But I would be delighted if you led such a group. If you share the materials with other underserved communities, that would be most welcome. These groups, of course, would have the Awakening Joy course fee waived.

  3. Lead a Group of Current Course Participants
    Awakening Joy Course participants have the opportunity to join a group led by people who, like you, have signed up to get trained to share the material. If you do not wish to form your own group from the above options, you can post your group in the Trainee Led Groups list, a shared Google doc, that is found within the Getting Started section of the Awakening Joy course. You post the time and frequency of you group on this list as well as any relevant information about yourself, what motivates you and what your vision is for leading a group. People can get a sense of who you are and email you directly to be a member of your in-person or your cyberspace group, whichever format works best for you. (I’ve led small groups online and they can be very effective.) When your group is filled, you mark that on the Trainee Led Groups list.

    The sooner you post your coure participant-filled group on the Trainee Led Groups list, the better. ideally, your group is posted in December, due to the large number of Awakening Joy course enrollees who sign up then and in January. You'll want to be on the Trainee Led Group list when participants first encounter it, which they will do upon enrollment, as they make their way through the Getting Started section, where the list is found.

    ***Note that success forming a group via this last option can be iffy, as it depends on current course enrollees' willingness to participate.

 Policies and Expectations for the Group You Will Practice Teaching

  1. Members of your group are all expected to be enrolled in the Awakening Joy course.

  2. Members of your group will be expected to participate with a genuine commitment to do the program to the best of their ability. They will be asked to show up for the group meetings, unless some emergency prevents them from doing so. Mutual commitment makes for a strong group where people are really supporting each other.

  3. Group members will be asked to give an evaluation of the group at the end of the course so you can learn and we can feel confident in your ability to skillfully lead groups.

Letter from James as to Why He is Offering a Teacher Training

Dear Friends,

The teacher training is one of the most rewarding things that I’ve ever done. There are now Awakening Joy Teachers sharing the material with others in Australia, Ireland, Canada, Brazil, UK, Germany, France, Israel and the US on their own (with certification) and having their own income streams. Check out the graduates' testimonials and view the list of Certified Awakening Joy Teachers.

The AJ certified teachers write to me about how rewarding it is to lead their own classes and share the material.  Recently an AJ Teacher in Ireland, who’s in the middle of running it as a 10-week course,  wrote: 

Just in from week 8 of Awakening Joy with the current group…It’s been a great experience so far. They are really experiencing the benefits and I’m so happy for them…a number were experiencing significant life challenges…It’s just so wonderful to go in every Monday night and to see and feel the difference – it really does feel so joyful. Every Monday evening is a bright spot in the darkening winter. 

If you successfully complete the training you, too, will become a certified Awakening Joy Instructor. You will be authorized to use and share the materials with others (giving credit to Awakening Joy and James), lead groups, classes and daylong workshops. Exceptions are engaging in public outreach online or through social media that would in some way compete with my offering of the course, including not putting the full course online. (It's fine to offer the program through online participation, if people have their own personal list or private group.)  You will be allowed to use the Awakening Joy brand and you will be authorized to charge or not charge for taking people through the course.

There are several reasons I am encouraging others to share this material:

  1. After many decades of teaching, I can attest to the adage that those who teach learn the material best of all. As you deepen your familiarity with the principles they will become embodied understanding and will be expressed through you in a more refined and different way than when you take the course as a participant.
  1. As I say in the chapter on intention, when we widen our intention in the spirit of contribution to others there is a greater experience of joy. Martin Seligman notes in his book, Authentic Happiness, that the greatest happiness comes from contributing to the welfare of others.
  1. I see this course as more than just a nice thing to share with friends. At this time in our world we need as much consciousness and goodness as we can create. A good friend of mine, a leader in the environmental movement once told me that these teachings of consciousness are the key to human beings developing a lifesaving relationship to the planet.
  1. As it is said in some wisdom teachings, sharing consciousness with like-minded friends is the greatest support for our own development.
  1. What better way to develop more joy, happiness and fulfillment than to share these principles with friends, relatives and others?
  1. I strongly believe in the rippling effect of passing on goodness. Those who will be on the receiving end of your sharing will also be passing those principles on to everyone they meet. Goodness is contagious. And the way I see it the more consciousness we create in the world the more it just keeps getting passed on.

I’m very happy to share this material with quality and qualified people. I love helping to bring out the best in others. It’s been one of my favorite parts of all the teaching I’ve done over the years. I created two programs at Spirit Rock that have shown me the power of believing in others. The Community Dharma Leaders program (CDL) has developed hundreds of leaders sharing the principles that we teach at Spirit Rock with communities all over the world. I also created and wrote the guidelines for the Kalyana Mitta (KM) or Spiritual Friends Network, which spawned hundreds of small peer-led groups. The thought that in leading this training I can help create a network of leaders who can support many more people in cultivating greater joy and consciousness in the world using the AJ materials brings me great happiness. Thank you for your interest.

May you be happy,
James Baraz

Still interested?

Fill out the Teacher Training Application to get started.